Here’s a way to increase customer satisfaction that leads to higher sales and profits: give buyers the option to upgrade their purchase from you. Done right, you’ll help your customers achieve a better end result, and you’ll increase your sales and profits at the same time.
There are, however, three rules you must follow to make this tactic work. The first two rules ensure your buyers will “profit” from upgrading their purchase. The third rule ensures you will too.
Rule #1: All (or almost all) buyers must agree that offer B is better than offer A.
Here’s a simple test you can use. “If I ran out of A, and gave all of my customers B instead, for A’s price, would they be happy with this substitution?” If the answer is yes, then B is an upgrade from A.
Rule #2: For at least some buyers the additional value they get from upgrading their purchase must exceed the additional charge they’ll have to pay.
Rule #3: The additional revenue to you, the seller, must exceed the additional cost you’ll incur from providing the upgrade.
Follow these three rules and you’ll provide buyers a profitable reason to increase their purchase from you.