
If you’re not sure where to start, try Give your buyers price options.

🍎 = of particular interest to nonprofit and public sector organizations

Can a nonprofit charge a fee? 🍎

Charging everyone the same price costs you sales and profits

Protect your profits with bare bones products

Boost sales and profits with add-on products

How to price bare bones products with add-ons

Identifying user fee traps and how to escape from them 🍎

Creating the best mix of programs with less money to work with 🍎

How should our nonprofit structure a program where we charge a fee in exchange for a service?  🍎

Making people buy more to get a better price

How to select the right type of quantity discount

How to give a quantity discount when buyers purchase “one or none”

Two actions that will make mixed bundling more profitable

What goals does a pricing strategy help a nonprofit organization achieve? 🍎

How to pick the right approach to pricing your product

Know your choices when pricing your product

The four wants: How many does your product satisfy?

Give your buyers price options

Here’s a better way to get buyers to pay in advance

When to use good/better/best pricing

The trick to making good/better/best pricing work

Three rules for pricing upgrades

Don’t cut your price; give them more

Use rewards, not penalties

Enjoy the movie, but don’t take away the wrong lesson

A better way to sell more

Three pitfalls of group pricing and how to get around them

This is the secret to getting buyers to admit “I am willing to pay you more!”

Are you overlooking these two facts?

How do your respond to buyers who claim your price is to high? Try this

Eight ways to get buyers to reveal how much they’re willing to pay

The dangers of too many choices

What is a pricing model?

My top 3 pricing books for small businesses

How do substitutes affect your price strategy?